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  • Writer's pictureManami Arai

A little bit of myself

Updated: Nov 15, 2018

Hello there and welcome to Manami's official website!

I appreciate you stop by : )

Since this is my first blog post, I want to introduce myself a little bit.

What do I do?

I'm 21 years old, currently pursuing a bachelor degree in digital communication in the US, trying to be a digital media specialist.

I love photography. Got my first camera at 16 and been loving taking portrait and fashion Photography!

Also, I love fashion and music. Check out my Instagram, Pinterest and SoundCloud.

My background?

I'm from Japan. Born and grew up there until I was 19 years old.

I was born in Gunma prefecture. I'm pretty sure almost nobody who's reading this have never heard of the place. It's located about 1.5 hours drive to north from Tokyo. It's a countryside. Although there aren't many tall buildings and shopping spot like big cities, it got beautiful mountains and rivers and vast rice fields. I grew up running around the fields fearlessly and that's why I still have many scars on my skin because I was just so reckless haha

Where am I based?

I am in currently Los Angeles (June -Aug 2018) for my internship program in digital media. As much as I love LA, my current home in the US is DMV ( Washington, Maryland, North Virginia) area.

What brought me here in the US?

Well, that's a good question.

There are more than a single reason.

I'm a type of person who doesn't like doing the same thing that other people are doing.

In Japan, there are not many students who go overseas to study. ( I was the only student in my high school who went to a college in foreign country in many years.).

And a lot of Japanes people are closed-minded and don't have much understanding other cultures and diversity.

I, on the other hand, just love exploring and getting to know cultures different from my own.

This is the main reason why I wanted to come to the US because the area I live especially is super diverse and people are from everywhere, which is pretty cool!

I'd stop here today... Let me know if you what you think of my first blog/my photography etc. And follow my social media!!

Photo credit: My friend Reuben @fromthedeskofreuben

Thanks for reading!



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